
Understanding and Supporting Behaviour in Neurodiverse Children

This comprehensive three-hour course is designed for educators, childcare providers, and professionals working with neurodiverse children. By completing this course, you will gain a deep understanding of the different reasons children may exhibit behaviour responses and learn effective strategies to support them and alleviate stress.

During the course, you will:

  • Explore the four different functions of behaviours and develop the skills to recognize and understand them.
  • Gain insights into how the neurodiverse brain thinks and responds differently, and how communication styles and difficulties can contribute to stressful behaviours.
  • Learn practical strategies to support neurodiverse children, including the use of visual supports, which play a crucial role in creating an inclusive environment.

The training will feature practical examples, plenty of time for questions, and discussions of real-life scenarios that you may encounter in your setting. Additionally, there will be a hands-on demonstration of using visual supports, allowing you to witness their effectiveness firsthand.

This course is suitable for any age group and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your setting. Limited to 25 participants, it offers a personalized learning experience that will equip you with the knowledge and skills to create a supportive and inclusive environment for neurodiverse children.

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Supporting Neurodiverse Children in Your Setting: Embracing Neurodiversity

Are you an early years practitioners, teacher’s, or SNA’s seeking to create an inclusive and supportive environment for children? This comprehensive two-hour training is designed to deepen your understanding of neurodiversity and equip you with practical strategies to effectively support neurodiverse children in your setting.

During this training, you will:

  1. Understand Neurodiversity:

Develop a deep understanding of neurodiversity and how it differs from neurotypical development. Learn to appreciate the unique strengths and perspectives that neurodiverse children bring to your setting. Explore the concept of neurodiversity as a natural variation of the human brain, promoting acceptance and celebrating differences.

  1. Support Sensory Needs:

Delve into the sensory system and its impact on neurodiverse children. Gain knowledge of sensory processing differences commonly experienced by neurodiverse children and discover effective strategies to support their sensory needs. Learn to create sensory-friendly environments that promote regulation and enhance their overall well-being.

  1. Create an Inclusive Setting:

Recognize the crucial role of the environment in supporting neurodiverse children. Explore practical ways to adapt your setting to create an inclusive and supportive space for all children. Discover strategies to foster a sense of belonging and promote positive social interactions.

  1. Real-life Examples and Practical Scenarios:

Engage in interactive learning through real-life examples and practical scenarios. Explore case studies that highlight the challenges faced by neurodiverse children and discuss effective strategies to address them. Benefit from group discussions and the opportunity to ask questions, ensuring that you can apply your learning to real-world situations.

Tailored Training for Your Setting:

This course is suitable for educators working with children of any age group. We understand that every setting is unique, and we can tailor the training to meet the specific needs and requirements of your setting. Whether you prefer an in-person session or the flexibility of online learning, we offer both options to accommodate your preferences and schedule.

Book Your Training Session:

Don't miss the opportunity to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for neurodiverse children in your setting. Contact us now to book a training session.

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How to Introduce Visuals in Your Early Years Setting

Are you looking to enhance your support for neurodiverse children in your early years setting? This training will provide you with invaluable knowledge on the importance of using visuals and guide you on how to effectively implement them. Visual supports are not only beneficial for neurodiverse children but can also greatly support areas such as transitioning and communication for all children.

During this interactive training, you will:

  1. Understand the Significance of Visual Supports: Gain a comprehensive understanding of why using visuals is crucial when working with children with all children. Explore how visuals can enhance communication, reduce anxiety, and foster independence.
  2. Explore Different Types of Visual Supports:

Discover a wide range of visual supports available and learn how to select the most appropriate ones for your setting. From visual schedules and social stories to visual cues and choice boards, you will explore various tools that can be easily implemented and tailored to meet the individual needs of the children in your care.

  1. Learn Effective Implementation Strategies:

Acquire practical guidance on how to successfully introduce visuals into your early years setting. Understand the best practices for creating, displaying, and utilizing visual supports to maximize their effectiveness. Gain insights on how to engage children in using visuals and ensure they become an integral part of your daily routines.

  1. Receive a Starter Pack of Visuals:

Upon completion of the course, you will receive a comprehensive starter pack of visuals that you can immediately incorporate into your setting. This valuable resource will save you time and effort in creating your own visuals, allowing you to quickly implement these supports and witness the positive impact on the children's learning and development.

  1. Engage in an Interactive Learning Experience:

This training is designed to be highly interactive, offering ample opportunities for questions, discussions, and practical activities. You will have the chance to interact with fellow participants and learn from their experiences, further enriching your understanding of using visuals in an early years setting.

Choose Your Preferred Training Format:

To accommodate your needs and preferences, this training is available in both in-person and online formats. Whether you prefer the convenience of online learning or the immersive experience of in-person training, you can choose the option that best suits your schedule and learning style.

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Approaching Parents about Concerns: Building Positive Partnerships

Are you looking for effective strategies to approach parents in a positive and collaborative manner when addressing concerns about a child in your setting? This training will equip you with the knowledge and skills to navigate these conversations sensitively, ensuring the best outcomes for the child and their family. From helping a child settle into your service to ongoing concerns, this training covers a range of scenarios to support your professional practice.

During this training, you will:

  1. Establish a Positive Approach:

Learn how to create a supportive and non-judgmental environment when discussing concerns with parents. Understand the importance of using positive language and framing conversations in a way that focuses on strengths and solutions rather than challenges. Gain insights into effective communication techniques that foster collaboration and build trust.

  1. Address Settling-in Challenges:

Explore strategies for discussing and addressing concerns when a child is finding it difficult to settle into your service. Understand the potential underlying factors contributing to the child's discomfort and learn how to engage parents in a constructive dialogue to identify possible solutions. Discover practical techniques to create a smooth transition for the child and their family.

  1. Collaborate with Parents:

Gain essential skills in meeting with parents to gain a deeper understanding of concerns they may have at home. Learn effective questioning techniques to gather relevant information and develop a holistic understanding of the child's needs. Discover how to actively listen to parents, validate their concerns, and work together to develop a tailored plan of support.

  1. Engage Parents in Accessing Supports:

Understand how to approach parents about engaging with additional supports and services. Learn to provide information about available resources in your area, such as community organizations, support groups, or specialized services. Explore strategies to empower parents, build their confidence, and encourage their active involvement in accessing and utilizing these supports.

  1. Discuss Concerns about Your Service:

Learn how to address any concerns you may have related to your service in a constructive and professional manner. Explore effective communication strategies for providing feedback, seeking clarification, or suggesting improvements. Discover techniques to maintain open lines of communication and foster a culture of continuous improvement within your setting.

  1. Access External Supports:

Gain insights into the external supports available for parents in your area. Learn about local resources, agencies, and professionals who can provide additional guidance and assistance. Acquire practical knowledge on how to connect parents with these supports, enhancing their access to valuable information and services.


Choose Your Preferred Training Format:

To accommodate your needs and preferences, this training is available in both in-person and online formats. Whether you prefer the convenience of online learning or the opportunity to engage directly with trainers and fellow participants in an in-person session, you can choose the option that best suits your schedule and learning style.

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